InternetFM: InternetFM: Tune into the World from Your Pocket

InternetFM: InternetFM: Tune into the World from Your Pocket

We developed Android and iOS apps for InternetFM, anchored by a Node.js and Express.js backend. An Angular admin dashboard ensures streamlined management, while our AI integration tailors music to user preferences. Hosted securely on AWS for top-tier performance.

Project Tasks

  • App Design

    Our approach to app design focused on creating an intuitive user interface and a compelling user experience. Through a combination of modern aesthetics and user-centered design principles, we ensured that listeners could easily navigate and enjoy their favorite tunes on InternetFM.

  • Cloud Integration

    Leveraging AWS's scalable infrastructure, we ensured that InternetFM could handle large volumes of simultaneous listeners without sacrificing performance. This cloud integration not only bolstered the app's reliability but also guaranteed smooth streaming for users across the globe.

  • Mobile App Development

    Crafted for both Android and iOS, the InternetFM mobile apps are the heart of the project. Using cutting-edge development techniques, we built applications that are fast, responsive, and adaptable to a range of devices, offering listeners a seamless radio streaming experience.

  • API Development

    Our backend, built on Node.js and Express.js, acts as the bridge between the mobile apps and the vast array of music content. The API is optimized for speed, ensuring quick fetch times and a consistent streaming experience for all users.

  • Web Development

    The administrative side of InternetFM is powered by a web dashboard, designed using Angular. This tool enables easy management of content, user insights, and app analytics, ensuring the platform remains up-to-date and user-centric.

Project Details

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  • Working with Siteflex LLC has been a remarkable experience. Their expertise in development shone through from the initial stages to deployment, and their professionalism didn’t end there. The post-launch maintenance and support have been exemplary. We couldn’t be happier with the output and the dedication they’ve shown throughout.

    Steven Leventhal